
2021-03-25 11:05 作者:本站编辑 审核: 浏览:
















Ruhr University Bochum,

Horst Goertz Institute for IT-Security (HGI)




重庆大学, 计算机学院







新加坡科技设计大学(Singapore   University of Technology and Design), iTrust网络空间安全研究中心,博士后研究 (新加坡国家研究基金NRF重点项目SecUTS全额资助)

合作导师:Prof.   Jianying Zhou


赫尔辛基大学   (University of Helsinki)计算机科学系博士后研究(芬兰科学院INSURE研究项目全额资助),

合作导师:Prof.   Valtteri Niemi

*世界前100大学:ARWU 2020 排名74 USNews 2020 排名87


达姆斯塔德工业大学(Technische   Universität Darmstadt), 计算机科学系,学术访问




综述: 主持或参与科研项目19项,包括国家自然科学基金项目5项,教育部项目2项,重庆市科委和教委项目8项,芬兰科学院项目1项,新加坡国家项目2项。






2024.01 ~   2027.12,动态群时间基一次性口令研究, 国家自然科学基金委(面上项目)



2019.01 ~ 2022.12,室内位置隐私保护关键密码技术研究,国家自然科学基金委面上项目




2017.01 ~   2017.12,基于不可区分性的量子认证密钥交换可证明安全性研究,国家自然科学基金委(理论物理专项)



2022.08 ~   2025.07,面向分布式影像大数据的可信身份隐私保护关键密码技术研究,重庆市自然科学基金项目(面上项目)



2017.01 ~   2019.12,大数据时代下的图书馆个性化安全检索服务与隐私保护研究,教育部人文社科项目



2015.07 ~   2017.06,动态群组认证密钥交换的强安全模型及其协议研究,重庆市教委科学技术研究项目








2019.11   ~ 2021.04Next-Generation V2X Network   Architecture and Ecosystem for Smart MobilityA*Star   (新加坡科学研究院,重大项目)



2018.06   ~ 2019.12A Cyber-Physical Approach to   Securing Urban Transportation Systems (SecUTS)National   Research Foundation Singapore (新加坡科学基金,重点项目)



2017.03 ~   2018.05Information   Security of Location Estimation and Navigation Applications  (INSURE)Academy of   Finland (芬兰科学院,重点项目)



2017.01 ~   2019.12,基于动态演化网络的移动互联网蠕虫传播动力学建模与分析,国家自然科学基金委



2016.01 ~   2016.12,基于复杂网络的移动恶意威胁传播建模与控制研究,国家自然科学基金委





综述:总共发表或已录用英文学术论文60余篇。共发表SCI期刊论文30篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者SCI期刊论文24篇(包括:《IEEE   Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing》、《IEEE   Transactions on Information Forensics and Security》、《IEEE   Transactions on Industrial Informatics》、《IEEE   Internet-of-Things Journal》、《ACM Transactions on   Sensor Networks》、《The Computer Journal》、《Science   China: Information Sciences》、和《International Journal   of Information Security》等国内外著名期刊)。同时发表网络空间安全和密码学领域国际顶级或著名会议论文17篇,包括Usenix   Security 2023,  ACSAC201920212022)、FSE   2022, ESORICS 2021, AsiaCCS   2020, IEEE Euro S&P 2019IEEE   INFOCOM 2018CT-RSA   2018PKC   2014 ACNS 2014 等国际顶级或著名会议





1.          Daniel Reijsbergen, Aung Maw, Zheng   Yang, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, and Jianying Zhou. TAP: Transparent and   Privacy-Preserving Data Services. USENIX Security 2023, Anaheim, USA. CCF评级A, 四大安全顶会之一

2.          Zheng Yang,   Chao Yin*, Junming Ke, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, and Jianying Zhou. If You Can’t   Beat Them, Pay Them: Bitcoin Protection Racket is Profitable. ACSAC 2022,   Austin, 'Texas, USA, 05-09 December, 2022.  CCF评级B

3.          Zheng   Yang,   Zhiting Bao, Chenglu Jin, Zhe Liu, Jianying Zhou. PLCrypto: A Symmetric   Cryptographic Library for Programmable Logic Controllers. IACR Trans.   Symmetric Cryptol. 2021(3): 170-217 (2021). FSE 2022, Athens, Greece,   20-25 March, 2022. CCF评级B类,国际密码学会对称密码专会

4.          Zheng   Yang,   Chenglu Jin, Jianting Ning*, Zengpeng Li, Anh Dinh, Jianying   Zhou. Group Time-based One-time Passwords and its Application to Efficient   Privacy-Preserving Proof of Location. ACSAC 2021, Virtual Event, USA,   06-10 December , 2021. CCF评级B计算机安全应用顶级会议

5.          Daniel   Reijsbergen*, Zheng   Yang*, Aung Maw, Anh Dinh, Jianying Zhou. Transparent Electricity Pricing   with Privacy. ESORICS 2021, Darmstadt, Germany on 04-08   October,   2021. CCF评级B,共同通讯作者,欧洲计算机安全顶级会议

6.          Zheng   Yang*,   Chenglu Jin, Yangguang Tian, Junyu Lai, Jianying Zhou. LiS: Lightweight Signature   Schemes for Continuous Message Authentication in Cyber-Physical Systems. AsiaCCS   2020, Taipei, China, 05-09 October, 2020. CACR评级B亚洲顶级安全会议

7.          Chenglu   Jin, Zheng Yang*, Marten van Dijk, and Jianying Zhou. Proof of   Aliveness. ACSAC 2019, San Juan, PR, US, 09-13 December, 2019. CCF评级B,通讯作者,*前两名作者按字母排序共享第一作者,计算机安全应用顶级会议

8.          Kimmo   Järvinen, Helena Leppäkoski, Elena-Simona Lohan, Philipp Richter, Thomas   Schneider, Oleksandr Tkachenko, Zheng Yang. PILOT:   Practical Privacy-Preserving Indoor Localization using OuTsourcing.    IEEE Euro S&P 2019, Stockholm, Sweden, 17-19 June, 2019. 顶级欧洲安全隐私会议与顶会IEEE S&P同源, 该次会议录用率20%. *所有作者按字母排序共同第一作者Thomas Schneider教授主页出版说明), CCF评级C

9.          Zheng   Yang,   Kimmo U. Järvinen. The Death and Rebirth of   Privacy-Preserving Wifi Fingerprint Localization with Paillier Encryption.   IEEE INFOCOM 2018. Honolulu, HI, USA, 15-19 April, 2018. CCF评级A

10.    Zheng   Yang,   Yu Chen*, Song Luo. Two-message Key Exchange with Strong   Security from Ideal Lattices. CT-RSA 2018. San Francisco, USA, 16-20 April, 2018. CACR评级B

11.    Yong   Li, Sven Schäge, Zheng Yang, Florian Kohlar and Joerg   Schwenk.  On the Security of the Pre-Shared Key Ciphersuites of TLS. PKC   2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26-28 March, 2014. *前三个作者按字母排序并列第一作者, CCF评级B类,国际密码学会公钥密码专会

12.    Yong   Li*, Sven Schäge*, Zheng Yang*, Christopher Bader and Joerg   Schwenk. New Modular Compilers for Authenticated Key Exchange. ACNS 2014,   Lausanne, Switzerland, 10-13 June 2014. *前三个作者按字母排序 并列第一和通信作者, CCF评级C



1.          Xuelian   Cao, Zheng   Yang*,Jianting   Ning*, Chenglu Jin, Rongxing Lu, Zhiming Liu, Jianying Zhou, "Dynamic   Group Time-Based One-Time Passwords," IEEE   Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2024(19):   4897-4913.  CCF评级A,前两名作者共同第一作者

2.          Zheng   Yang, Chenlu Jin, Xuelian Cao, Marten van Dijk and Jianying. Zhou. Optimizing   Proof of Aliveness in Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Transactions on Dependable   and Secure Computing, 2024. doi: 10.1109/TDSC.2023.3335188. [SCI源刊]. CCF评级A

3.          Tianyang   Cai, Tao Jia, Sridhar Adepu, Yuqi Li, Zheng Yang*. ADAM:   An Adaptive DDoS Attack Mitigation Scheme in Software-defined Cyber-Physical   System.   IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 202319(6):   7802 - 7813. [SCI源刊].中科院1 , CCF评级C类,中国自动化学会评级A

4.          Chenglu   Jin, Zheng Yang, Tao Xiang*, Sridhar Adepu, Jianying   Zhou. HMACCE: Establishing Authenticated and Confidential Channel from   Historical Data for Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE   Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2023(18):1080-1094. CCF评级A,前两名作者共同第一作者

5.          Zheng   Yang,   Sridhar Adepu, Jianying Zhou. Opportunities and Challenges in Securing   Critical Infrastructures Through Cryptography. IEEE Security and Privacy   Magazine , 2021, (99):2-11. [SCI源刊].

6.          Zheng   Yang, Jun   He*, Yangguang Tian, Jianying Zhou. Faster Authenticated Key Agreement with   Perfect Forward Secrecy for Industrial Internet-of-Things. IEEE   Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2020, 16(10):   6584-6596. [SCI源刊]. 中科院1 , CCF评级C类,中国自动化学会评级A

7.          Zengpeng   Li, Zheng Yang*, Pawel Szalachowski, and Jianying Zhou. Building   Low-Interactivity Multi-Factor Authenticated Key Exchange for Industrial   Internet-of-Things.  2021, 8(2):844-859. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.   [SCI源刊]. 中科院1, CCF评级C

8.          Zheng   Yang,   Junyu Lai*, Yingbin Sun, and Jianying Zhou. A Novel Authenticated Key   Agreement Protocol with Dynamic Credential for WSNs. ACM Transactions on   Sensor Networks. 2019, 15(2): 22:1-22:27. [SCI源刊]. CCF评级B

9.          Yangguang   Tian, Yingjiu Li, Robert H. Deng, Nan Li, Guomin Yang and Zheng Yang*.   A New Construction for Linkable Secret Handshake. The Computer Journal.   2020, 63(4): 536-548. [SCI源刊]. CCF评级B

10.    Zheng   Yang,   and Junyu Lai*. New Constructions for (Multiparty) One-round Key Exchange   with Strong Security (Letter). Science China: Information Sciences.   2018, 61(059102). [SCI源刊]. CCF评级B中科院2

11.    Rongmao   Chen, Yi Mu, Guomin Yang, Willy Susilo, Fuchun Guo, and Zheng Yang *.   A note on the strong authenticated key exchange with auxiliary inputs   (comments). Designs, Codes and Cryptography. 2017, 85:175-178. [SCI源刊]. CCF评级B

12.    Kimmo   Jarvinen, Agnes Kiss, Thomas Schneider, Oleksandr Tkachenko and Zheng   Yang*. Faster   Privacy-Preserving Location Proximity Schemes for Circles and Polygons. IET   Information Security. 2020, 14(3): 254-265[SCI源刊].作者按字母排序,  CACR评级B

13.    Zheng   Yang*,   Junyu Lai, and Guoyuan Li. Cryptanalysis of a Generic One-round Key Exchange   Protocol with Strong Security. IET Information Security. 2018, 12(1):   71-78. [SCI源刊]. CACR评级B

14.    Zheng   Yang*,   Chao Liu, Wanping Liu, Daigu Zhang, and Song Luo. A new strong security model   for stateful authenticated group key exchange. International Journal of   Information Security. 2018, 17(4): 423-440. [SCI源刊]. CACR评级B

15.    Zheng   Yang*,   Shuangqing Li, Chao Liu and Wanping Liu. Simpler Generic Constructions for   Strongly Secure One-round Key Exchange from Weaker Assumptions. The   Computer Journal, Oxford Press. 2017, 60(8):1145-1160. [SCI源刊]. CCF评级B

16.    Zheng   Yang,   Junyu Lai*, Wanping Liu, Chao Liu, and Song Luo. SignORKE: Improving   Pairing-based One-Round Key Exchange without Random Oracles. IET   Information Security. 2017, 11(5): 243-249. [SCI源刊]. CACR评级B



1.      Zheng   Yang.   Strongly Secure Authenticated Key Exchange in the Standard Model. ISBN:   978-3-8440-2195-0. Shaker Verlag, September 2013.

2.      Zheng   Yang.   PKI-based Authenticated Key Exchange with Strong Security: Security Models,   Constructions, and Security Analysis. 重庆大学出版社, 202105月,ISBN: 978-7-5689-2221-0





1.          1.《多接收者密钥封装方法》, 排名第1, 已授权,20178月,专利号:ZL201410670955.8

2.          2.《标准模型下安全的高效单轮三方密钥交换方法》, 排名第1, 已授权, 20182月,专利号:ZL201510403805.5

3.          3.《一种基于多边形范围的位置接近性检测隐私保护方法》,排名第1, 已授权, 20206月,专利号:ZL201811032603.4

4.          4.   《一种组时间基一次性密码方法及设备》,排名第1, 已授权, 20227月,专利号:ZL   202111186553.7

5.          5.   《一种适用于PLC的时间基一次性密码方法及系统》,排名第1, 已授权, 20227月,专利号:ZL   202111186553.7

6.          6.   Method   and system for generating time-based one time passwords, 排名第1, 已公开,国际发明专利,201910月,申请号   PCT/SG2020/050619

7.          7.   Methods   and apparatus for message authentication》,排名第1,已公开,国际发明专利,202110月,申请号   PCT/SG2021/050594





1.      ACNS 2024: 22nd International Conference on Applied   Cryptography and Network Security 程序委员会委员

2.        PST2023: The 20th Annual International Conference on   Privacy, Security & Trust 序委员会委员

3.        ICICS 2019-2022: International Conference on Information   and Communications Security程序委员会委员

4.        STM@ESORICS, 2021,2022, 程序委员会委员

5.        CIMSS@ACNS, 2021-2023, 公共事务主席,程序委员会委员

6.        ACM CPSS@AsiaCCS, 2019, 程序委员会委员

7.        AIoTS:1st international workshop in Artificial   Intelligence and Industrial Internet-of-Things Security出版主席

8.         SIMUtools 2018 - 11th EAI International Conference   on Simulation Tools and Techniques, 程序委员会委员

9.        International Conference on Cyberworlds 2016,程序委员会主席International   Conference on Cyberworlds 20172018程序委员会委员

10.  若干国际著名期刊审稿人, 例如:《IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security》、《IEEE Transaction on Dependable and Secure Computing》、《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》、《IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications》、《Designs, Codes and Cryptography》、《Science China: Information Sciences》等

11.  Security and Communication Networks》特刊:Privacy-Enhancing   Authentication and Computation for Human CPS and IoT首席客座编辑Lead Guest Editor



1. 面向柔性制造服务的智慧质量控制与追溯关键技术及应用,中国仪器仪表学会科学技术奖,科技进步二等奖(排名不分先后),202012

2. 面向装备制造GS1规范的智慧质量管控关键技术及应用,中国产学研合作创新与促进奖,产学研合作创新成果奖,优秀奖(排名第8/10),20211




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